Why and where we have to use Radiant Infrared Heaters for Zonе Heating?
Radiant infrared heater for zonе heating is a great choice not only because of cost and energy savings that it undoubtedly provides in your home, but also because it is the best option for a variety of cafes, clubs, industrial areas and every kind of large spaces that are heated more difficult.
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Heating from the first second and right on target – Office, Bar, Fabric, Outside
Why and where we have to use Radiant Infrared Heaters for Zonе Heating?
Infrared Zone Heating System is an innovative environmentally friendly technology that provides an opportunity for broad areas of usability and application. Highest standards in the production process and the use of sophisticated materials allows to offer only the very best in terms of high quality, design, functionality and high performance. This is the only way possible to set standards worldwide.
Infrared zone heating is a system which is mostly used for areas with large height of ceiling and massive size, but also for outdoor spaces like balconies, gardens, barbecues, etc.
Zonal heating potencial
The infrared zone heating system provides a unique opportunity to locate and make warm and cozy just predefined area (workplace, terrace, etc.) of a specific space (external or internal). This function of the zone heating contributes to an unimaginably large savings because there is no need for 24-hour continuous heating. The radiant infrared heaters for zonal heating operate only when it is necessary.
By using a zone heating system you can heat perfectly every space, you save energy, and you have ability to control the temperature in every different sector.
Where is most practical to use zonal infrared heating?
- В бара
- В градината
- Работната площ
- Сервизът
It is possible to heat single zones or workstations without having to heat the entire area. It is also possible to control ambient temperature zone by zone. Large operative spaces are organized on functional basis according to functions – production areas, industrial units, administrative areas, stockrooms, passages, etc.
All these spaces are an enormous unit divided into separate sections/zones. Every zone has a completely different need of energy. For example, a production department with operators requires a constant comfortable temperature that is not needed in a passage. Different conditioning needs can often be in strong conflict with the physical arrangement of workstations. Conventional systems are ineffective because a large amount of heat goes where it does not need it and insufficiently heat is directed to places where there is a need for it.
Nowadays this serious problem is solved, thanks to infrared zone heating system. All components of the infrared zone heating system are designed unmistakably to serve only where it is necessary and without needless energy consumption.
What are benefits and advantages of infrared zonal heating?
One of the main advantages of radiant infrared heater for zonе heating is its small cost in operation.
Improved performance compared to systems with the same power levels with clear savings (even more than 45%) in fuel consumption thanks to:
- Less dispersions caused by a lower air temperature and by the lack of thermal stratification;
- Less working time of the system, thanks to a low thermal inertia;
- Possibility to heat by zones only where it is necessary;
- Heating of large areas;
- Rapidly achievement of desired temperature levels;
Radiant infrared zone heating is targeted, practical and economical, and it is enabling to be used practically everywhere.