Heating, cooling and control products

Infrared heating panels

Инфрачервени панели за отопление - икономична серия

Heating panels economic series

Prices from 369 lv

Infrared heating panels with white glass - a special package - 2x600 watts,

White glass heating panels

Prices from 648 lv

Infrared heating panels - special package - 2x600 watt

Black glass heating panels

Prices from 588 lv

Heating panels with a mirror

Prices from 582 lv

Heating panels with pictures

Prices from 402 lv

Redsun infrared heating panels are highly energy efficient, proven to have a positive effect on health, and represent a future-oriented and modern alternative to current conventional heating systems. High security, quality standards, and energy efficiency are guaranteed.

Complete objects with infrared panels

Manufacturer’s website

Air conditioners for heating and cooling


General air conditioners provide efficient and reliable solutions for cooling different spaces, providing comfort even in hot weather.

Prices from 1259 lv


MIDEA air conditioners offer affordable and innovative cooling solutions designed to meet different needs, providing reliable indoor comfort.

Prices from 849 lv


TREO air conditioners combine modern technology and elegant design to provide effective cooling solutions with an emphasis on energy efficiency and modern aesthetics.

Prices from 829 lv


GREE air conditioners provide a wide range of cooling options known for their performance, durability, and state-of-the-art features, meeting a variety of cooling needs with proven reliability.

Prices from 1056 lv


LG air conditioners exemplify excellence through their high-quality, feature-rich designs, offering efficient and stylish cooling solutions that prioritize innovation and user comfort.

Prices from 1259 lv


SAMSUNG air conditioners combine technological sophistication and user-oriented design, providing efficient and intelligent cooling solutions for personalized comfort and climate control.

Prices from 1475 lv


Viessmann air conditioners offer premium and energy-efficient cooling solutions, integrating German engineering excellence to provide reliable climate control with a focus on sustainability and performance.

Prices from 1299 lv


DAIKIN air conditioners stand out for their Japanese precision and advanced features, providing reliable and energy-efficient cooling solutions that prioritize comfort and environmental sustainability.

Prices from 1344 lv


MITSUBISHI air conditioners demonstrate Japanese reliability and innovation, offering efficient and adaptable cooling solutions designed to improve indoor comfort with a focus on quality and performance.

Prices from 1349 lv

Infrared stoves – instant heat


Burda’s infrared radiant heaters provide efficient and targeted heat through advanced infrared technology, offering effective heating solutions for a variety of indoor and outdoor spaces.

Prices from 372 lv

Heating and Cooling

Burda’s range of infrared heaters seamlessly combines powerful heating and cooling capabilities, providing versatile comfort solutions for all seasons with efficient infrared technology.

Prices from 816 lv

Heating and lighting

Burda’s heating and lighting stoves integrate efficient infrared heating technology with lighting light, offering dual-purpose solutions that provide warmth and atmosphere for indoor and outdoor spaces.

Prices from 886 lv

Manufacturer’s website

Electric underfloor heating

Рогозки за подово отопление под теракот, мрамор и плочки
Under granite tiles and tiles
Рогозки за подово отопление по масивен паркет и ламинат
Under massive and laminate
Рогозки за подово отопление под килим, линолеум и балатум
Under the carpet
Рогозка за подово отопление под мокет
Under talcum powder

Prices from 70 lv per square meter of area

Manufacturer’s website

Ice and snow melting systems

Кабели за размразяване на паважна настилка
Paving flooring
Лентов кабел за отопление на пътна настилка
Кабели за отопление на игрища и спортни терени
Sports grounds
Нагревателни кабели за затопляне на почвата за земеделски култури
Agricultural massifs

Prices from 19 lv per linear meter

Manufacturer’s website

Room thermostats and temperature controllers

Turn on and Use

Prices from 70 lv

Аналогов би-метален термостат EBERLE RTR-E-6202. Дава възможност за регулиране работата на уреди за отопление и охлаждане чрез задаване на различна температура за поддържане.

Analog thermostats

Prices from 42 lv

AHT SK 51 Дигитален програмируем стаен термостат за подово отопление

Digital thermostats

Prices from 99 lv

WiFi програмируем смарт интернет термостат BBoil

Wi-Fi internet thermostats

Prices from 115 lv


Ние предлагаме избрана гама висококачествени продукти от сертифицирани и утвърдени на пазара водещи производители. Redsun е пряко специализиран в инфрачервени панели за отопление, инфрачервени лъчисти лампи за мигновено отопление и продукти за контрол на тяхната ефективна работа.

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