What is the best heating for a house?
Heating a house is hard to choose! Which heating is the most appropriate, effective, economical and practical for a house? Why choose one over the other?
Winter is coming slowly but it does not mean that our heating bills should increase. Heating our homes is expensive, and doing so is getting more costly each year. As costs rise and climate change complications increase, more and more of us are searching for cleaner, greener and more affordable home heating options. Fortunately, there are many.
Choose carefully, however, as not all options are equal. Some greener home heating options rely on nonrenewable fuels, such as natural gas. Moreover, some are ideally suited for new construction while others work best for retrofitting existing buildings. We suggest you spend a little time and together to take a look at our THREE options which are the most practical, the most comfortable, the most efficient and the best alternatives for heating your house – a heating pump system, an infrared heating and an air conditioning.
№ 1 – Heating a house with a heat pump system
Heat pumps are just two-way air conditioners. During the summer, an air conditioner works by moving heat from the relatively cool indoors to the relatively warm outside. In winter, the heat pump reverses this trick, scavenging heat from the cold outdoors with the help of an electrical system, and discharging that heat inside the house. Almost all heat pumps use forced warm-air delivery systems to move heated air throughout the house.
Different types of heat pumps
There are three types of heat pumps – air – water, water – water and ground – water. There are three relatively common types of heat pumps.
Air-source heat pumps use the outside air as the heat source in winter and heat sink in summer. Ground-source (also called geothermal, GeoExchange, or GX) heat pumps get their heat from underground, where temperatures are more constant year-round. Air-source heat pumps are far more common than ground-source heat pumps because they are cheaper and easier to install. Ground-source heat pumps, however, are much more efficient, and are frequently chosen by consumers who plan to remain in the same house for a long time, or have a strong desire to live more sustainably.
Another source of heat for heat pumps is water which almost always has higher temperature than environment in winter. Other types of water sources are close rivers, drilling water wells and sometimes even domestic wastewater ( the system utilizes heat of the waste water). Water source heat pumps usually have a higher coefficient than air source heat pumps.
Whereas an air-source heat pump is installed much like a central air conditioner, ground-source heat pumps require that a “loop” be buried in the ground, usually in long, shallow (3–6′ deep) trenches or in one or more vertical boreholes. The particular method used will depend on the experience of the installer, the size of your lot, the subsoil, and the landscape. Alternatively, some systems draw in groundwater and pass it through the heat exchanger instead of using a refrigerant. The groundwater is then returned to the aquifer.
Why heat pumps are so efficient?
Because electricity in a heat pump is used to move heat rather than to generate it, the heat pump can deliver more energy than it consumes. The ratio of delivered heating energy to consumed energy is called the coefficient of performance, or COP, with typical values ranging from 1.5 to 3.5. This is a “steady-state” measure and not directly comparable to the heating season performance factor (HSPF), a seasonal measure mandated for rating the heating efficiency of air-source heat pumps. Depending on the type of the heat pump system for your home and the peculiarities of your house, you have the option to save electricity approximately 80%.
Heat pump systems are among the best, the most practical and the most convenient alternatives that give you not only heating, but also cooling and hot water for your entire house. Bulgaria is a country with a temperate climate, which is essential for effective work in the highest levels of heat pump systems in your home.
№ 2 – Heating a house with infrared panels
What is the way infrared heating works?
What is common between infrared rays and Sun? Even in chilly winter, when you feel sun rays on yourself, you have the impression that you are not cold. Of course, if you are away from the sun rays you feel you are cold again. Similarly, operate all appliances which is using infrared rays called infrared panels. When the device is turned on and eradiates heat, solid objects in the radius of its rays whether it is furniture, walls, flooring, ceiling or people around, will warm directly. As Sun as infrared panels, all objects and surfaces around the infrared panel accumulate heat from the source, giving it into space/room.
Infrared heating systems (infrared panels or infrared radiant heaters) supply heat directly to the floor or to panels/heaters in the wall or ceiling of a house. The systems depend largely on radiant heat transfer — the delivery of heat directly from the hot surface to the people and objects in the room via infrared radiation. Radiant heating is the effect you feel when you can feel the warmth of a hot stovetop element from across the room.
Other advantages and benefits of infrared heating
Infrared heating has a number of advantages. It is more efficient than baseboard heating and usually more efficient than forced-air heating because it eliminates duct losses. Infrared heating allows you to install a panel in any room of your house without worrying that it would take up valuable space or create conditions for accidents. Quick and easy you can install panels in your bedroom, child’s room, kitchen and living room and a radiant heater in your bathroom. People with allergies often prefer radiant heat because it doesn’t distribute allergens like forced air systems can.
Infrared heating is practical, effective and modern solution because not only provides you desired temperatures throughout your house but a comfort and style too, thanks to wonderful design of infrared panels and comfortable room thermostat that allows you to control the heat flow.
№ 3 – Heating a house with air conditioners
The benefits of Air Conditioning are to give a comfortable environment at work or at home throughout the seasons, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
An Air Conditioning unit can have two functions – heating and cooling.With an auto changeover switch on most new units, you set the temperature and the unit will cool or heat as required automatically. Air conditioners are relatively cheap and certainly very effective appliance through which you can heat your entire house without smoke, flounder and frightening bills.
Other advantages and benefits of air conditioners
Also air purification is another benefit as an anti-fungus filter is used in most modern air conditioning units. This catches allergy-causing mites, smoke particles and odours, making the air in your environment clean and fresh.
Most of us take the ability to warm our homes for granted, but few appreciate the benefits of being able to remove unwanted heat during the summer months. When outside air temperatures reach uncomfortable levels, the coolest temperature we can hope to maintain within our homes is the same, despite any amount of ventilation through the use of conventional fans. In reality, our homes become even warmer than the outside air temperature, through solar gains and additional heat-loads from within.
Doors and windows can be kept closed improving the security of your home, whilst at the same time keeping out nuisance insects and any external noise pollution.
The air within the room is recirculated through filters to trap dust and pollens, in turn benefiting people suffering from allergies and respiratory problems.
Air conditioners are a modern solution that allows for quick, easy, affordable and efficient way to get necessary heating and cosiness in winter and necessary cooling in the summer heat, giving you continuous comfort in your home.
The choice is in your hands
The best heating for your house varies depending on a number of adverse factors which are affecting a property type, square, exhibition, isolation and temperatures you would want to achieve, to feel comfortable. Remember that in order to choose the best, you have to think carefully and to comply all advantages and disadvantages of different options for heating, as well as your ability for an initial investment that you have to invest, and all future bills that you have to pay for. We already “put on the scales” all peos and cons and we chose these TOP 3 options as the most appropriate for your house heating.
This is OUR proposal to facilitate YOUR decision!
Интересувам се от термопомпа-моноблок на трифазен ток без вграден нагревател, която ще отоплява еднофамилна къща в София, кв. Горна Баня, с общ отопляем обем около 500 куб. м.
-къщата е с топлоизолация, вкл. на покрива
-има изградена действаща отоплителна инсталация с два котела /на ток и на пелети/ с обикновени радиатори по стаите, като този на ток е 16 кв и при работа 50% от времето идеално отfплява цялата къща
Моля, за оферта със срок за изпълнение, крайна цена с монтаж и начин на плащане, като разбирам, че това би била една ориентировъчна оферта, която подлежи на корекции след оглед на обекта
Моля, отделно ми оферирайте по-ефективни отоплителни тела /само като ценоразпис и съответствие на отопляем обем/, с които евентуално на следващ етап да заменя обикновените радиатори.
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Ако имате възможност отговорете на въпросите, най-долу на посочения линк и ни пратете запитването.
Благодарим предварително.
Поздрави, екипът на Редсън.
Здравейте, имам проект за сглобяема дървена къща със застроена площ 120 м2 на два етажа в София, местност Камбаните.
Бих искал да знам кой би бил най-ефективня за този тип къща, която е почти пасивна, начин / система на отопление, която да може да отоплява при ниски външни температури и да поддържа 22/23 градуса вътре. Също така да не води след себе си високи сметки за отопление.
Това, което сам успях да разбера е, че водно подово отопление и канална система с въздуховоди ( на Goodman ) са вариантите които ми допадат. Но бих желал да получа професионална консултация, която да вземе предви всички аспекти – изолация, прозорци, обеми , загуби и т.н.
При необходимост мога да предоставя проект.
Здравейте, г-н Димитров, благодарим за вашия интерес!
В отговор на вашето запитване, ще кажа, че според нас най-оптималното решение е термопомпа въздух-вода с водно подово отопление. Мощността на машината, стъпката през която ще се полагат тръбите за подово отопление, бойлер за БГВ, термостати, щрангови тръби и много други елементи ще се предложат след като бъдат направени изчисления на топлозагубите на дома ви, с оглед на строителните характеристики. За най-точна оферта/предложение, е добре да предоставите архитектурни планове на къщата и да проведем малко по-широка дискусия за определени особености.
Или за изготвяне на примерна оферта, може да изпратите мейл с прикачен план и отговори на въпросите, включени във формата ни за запитване за термопомпи, на следния линк:
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Поздрави, Емил Анастасов!